January 24th, 2015
*with the Highest Respect for Sharathji

Caksur Unmīlitam Yena
Tasmai Śri-Gurave Namah


“Last week I told you about how important Primary Series is, so many good Asanas to cure many diseases. And the finishing postures, what are those? Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karanpidasana, Pindasana, Urdhva Padmasana, Matsyasana, Uttanasana Padasana, those Asanas are very important. For what? To store Amrita Bindu, allow the blood to circulate properly and to purify the nervous system and blood. These are very important postures in your practice. But I have been watching and many of you have not been doing Shirshasana properly. Today I thought I will show you how to do properly. When you do Shirshasana, your hand should be like tripod. When you do Photography, you can’t lift big lens, so you use a tripod. The elbows and hands should be in proper position like a tripod. Then you will be able to balance properly.”

(He sets up and starts showing and explaining the proper way of doing Shirshasana)…

“When you do Shirshasana, if you have difficulty doing it, you should have some assistance. A Teacher should teach you how to do the Sarvangasana and Shirshasana. Without guidance from your Teacher, never do Shirshasana, even Sarvangasana. These things are very important. And when you don’t have too much time, you only have time to do half of Primary Series, then do half of Primary Series and do these finishing postures. One day you have only fifteen minutes, you don’t have time at all, just do Surya Namaskara and the finishing postures, these are very important pastures in your practice. And when you have time, you can stay longer in Sarvangasana and Shirshasana for twenty minutes, half an hour. But you should build up slowly, don’t do at once. You’re not used to it you might get dizzy, then there’s lack of oxygen, lack of circulation in the body. So slowly you have to build up. One day you do for five minutes, next day add on. Don’t do it here, the Shala is so full and everybody is waiting. When you go home, when you go back to your country, when you have more time, at least one day in a week, try to do five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, try to stay in Shirshasana and try to relax there so that you build up strength, stamina, everything will come. Many diseases can be cured by Shirshasana. Some people they can’t breathe properly, they have respiratory problems, there’s not enough oxygen coming through blood. They go dizzy sometimes, they get headache, too much anxiety. All these problems can be cured with Shirshasana. You can’t do it anytime during the day. It has to be early morning or in the evening. Brahma Muhūrta (God’s Hour; one hour and a half before Sunrise) is very important. Early morning you all have time. You have time in front of computer, you have time for Twitter, WhatsApp you can do all those things. I think you definitely have time. NOBODY HAS TIME. YOU HAVE TO MAKE TIME. So early morning is recommended. You cannot do it during the day. Brahman Muhūrta, early morning, is the best time to practice Yoga. Why early morning? Because the whole society is sleeping. Automatically, half of your practice is done, it becomes very calm. Everything is silent. Everybody is sleeping. And the air, what we get…later in the day the pollution starts, all the vehicles will start moving. If you see, in the early mornings, your mind is also very fresh. Problem starts when you meet people, when you travel, all these things happen in the day, then mind also doesn’t stay. It keeps wandering here and there, see so many things, you interact with so many people. The concentration won’t be there to practice. So it is very important to do practice early morning.


If you have temperature, don’t do Asana practice. Take rest. Because already when we practice we generate so much internal heat, so you get more tired. When you have temperature, you never practice. You just lie down and rest. But sometimes you get Yogic Fever or Asana Fever. Asana fever, head ache, diarrhea, you get all these things. This is all cleansing. Sometimes when a student comes, who has never done Ashtanga Yoga or Asanas, suddenly he gets fever, he gets temperature. That will go in one day. If you have regular fever, then it stays for two or three days. Twenty three years back, my Grandfather made me catch here (knees) in back bending, the whole day I had fever. (Smiles and laughter). Fever is not temperature but you feel so tired, you can’t get up. So like that, many things happen. Sometimes you get diarrhea, especially when you’re dong back bending. Once you do deep back bending, it twists your lower abdomen, it puts lots of pressure there. It’s all cleansing. All the opinion in your body will go, your body becomes more lighter. Then you can practice, it’s not a problem.


Are you practicing Ashtanga Yoga? All Ashtanga Yoga? All the Eight Limbs? You’re practicing Asanas. Sometimes you have to see what kind of injury you have. Sometimes you have torn meniscus then you have to have surgery. Because of what you have done previously, it’s your previous karma, what you have done. Jogging, these things will stiffen your knees, hips, shoulder. Then you come and study Yoga. Because of this stiffness, you push yourself too hard. So once you’re doing this, you should stop doing everything else you are doing, like bicycling, running, jogging, even waking too long. It’s not good, it makes your body very stiff. But here in Asanas, everything becomes flexible. So first you have to see what kind of injury you have. According to that, you do it slowly. Get it fixed first, let it heal for three months, then practice. Asana is so attractive, we get so excited by seeing Asanas. ‘I want to do this, I want to do that.’ There’s no control. You’re body is ready to do that or not. It won’t think all these things. You just want to do, and you break your body. That’s why it’s very important to understand. When someone ask me to climb Mt. Everest I won’t go, because I’m not ready to climb. It needs preparation. Many years of preparation. That I know. I’m intelligent enough to know that. I’m clever enough. So that is why you should understand how to do when it’s time. Many times I’ve said, strong Foundation, strong Practice. The Spiritual Practice within You, it has to be a slow process. QUICK COMING WILL QUCKLY GO. If you do it for long time…it should happen when it should happen. You should give time for everything. Slowly, slowly when you get more understanding, when your body changes, when you get more knowledge about your body, knowledge about the Spirituality, knowledge about this whole practice system…it takes time…then you will have the proper Foundation. Proper Foundation is very important. Without proper foundation, you can’t build a strong building. While practicing, the Practice should be for many years. Nowadays, many people have spoiled Yoga, certifications, workshops, Teacher Trainings. It’s no use. Only your Practice will stay for long time. Again, for what purpose you are doing Yoga? You’re doing for Spiritual Practice or just to get a Certificate? It’s your choice. If you want a Certificate, it will never make you understand what Yoga is. Yoga you should give Time. Yoga Practitioner doesn’t have an agenda. His agenda is only to learn the System, experience it. When we stated, I didn’t want a certificate. Because I wanted to relish Yoga. I just wanted to practice. IF YOU RELISH THE PRACTICE, AUTOMATICALLY THE YOGA WILL HAPPEN WITHIN YOU. If you say ‘oh I want to get Authorization, Certification, that’s why go to Mysore many times.’ With this kind of an attitude, you will get Authorization yes, but you won’t understand what Yoga is. First you have to understand what Yoga is. That takes TIME. That takes HARD WORK. That takes DEDICATION. That takes DEVOTION. That takes DISCIPLINE. Many D’s are involved in this. DEDICATION, DEVOTION, DETERMINATION. If you bring a 44year old man, he can’t do Shirshasana, like how I showed you. That’s many years of practice. The balance, everything, automatically it comes. Automatically my legs goes in this posture. It’s many years of dedicated practice. Everyday getting up 12 o’clock, now I’m getting up at 12:30am doing my own practice because of you. I have to come here on time 4 o’clock. If I go ‘oh I should go sleep, why should I care about teaching or this practice?’, I can be like that also. But I won’t be. It’s not my thing. I could have been like that. Because I loved Yoga. I loved practicing. I wanted to know what it is. These should come. What is Yoga? How we should live our Life? It will change your practice! So your own practice of Yoga will change once our own perception of this changes. Our sacrifice is only this much. If you. See Krishnamacharya, Pattabhi Jois, what they did to learn this practice, our struggle is nothing. They used to walk many many kilometers to go to school and then to learn Yoga. Guruji was living in Kowshika and there was a small town called Hasan which is 6 kilometers. He used to walk there for school. Someone told him that Krishnamacharya was doing Yoga Asana demonstration in his hometown? In the evening, after school, at six o’clock there was a demo. He came and he saw Krishnamacharya demonstrating with his students. It was very attractive for him. We all step into Yoga through Asanas. Asana is the one which attracts you. Then he liked it very much, he said ‘I want to learn this.’ There was no application then, fill up and send it (laughter). You have to go to the Teacher and ask him ‘Can you please accept me as your student?’ He will ask millions of questions. You should convince him with all of the questions. He asked, who are you, where are you from, who is your Mother and Father, what they do? Because receiving is also very important, you can’t just give it to someone ‘Come, I’ll teach you.’ He should be willing to take that. When giving some knowledge, you can’t just give it to someone. As I told you, if you give this much gold to an ant, it can’t handle that, it’ll be crushed under the gold! If you give a big diamond to monkey, monkey doesn’t know it’s a diamond. Monkey thinks it’s a stone and it starts playing with that stone. So this precious Knowledge, to give also…you should know, who is receiving this Knowledge? Are they ready? Are they capable of handling this? If you give, then it will be a disaster, they will make it into Circus Yoga. It doesn’t become Spirituality, it becomes only Circus; bending body, going in the beach doing handstand, building their body, it becomes like that. And then after there is so much pain, you can’t do back bending here. Because you are doing here and there. No respect…

Sa tu dīrghakāla nairantarya satkāra-ādara-āsevito dṛḍhabhūmiḥ YS 1.14

That is also very important. GRATITUDE TOWARDS THIS PRACTICE. RESPECT TOWARDS THIS PRACTICE. Then only, you’ll have arp per foundation within you. All these things are very important in your practice.


You all know through practice what kind of man Krishnamacharya was. If you take the Knowledge what he had, I don’t know how many Births you have to take. How much Dedication we should have. Krishnamacharya, he’s the man to bring this Yoga alive, to give Life to this Practice. He’s the one who went and learn for many years. Now see millions and millions of people practicing Yoga. He was strict. He was disciplined. WITHOUT THE DISCIPLINE IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO TEACH YOGA. I have to be strict for you to make you understand or else you’ll take it easy ‘My time is 9 o’clock, oh I’ll go 9:30am. Sharath, he’s very cool.’ I won’t accept you. My Grandfather had Theory class at 12 o’clock everyday. So they had to go to Krishnamacharya’s house in the noon. So if they’re five minutes late, he used to make them stand outside. Until he calls them in, they were supposed to go. Before 12 o’clock they used to just go straight into the house, but if they cross 12 o’clock then they have to wait outside. There were lots of stones, it was very hot, they had to stand on that because they are not supposed to wear foot wears inside anyone’s house in India. You have to remove your footwear, wash your feet, before going inside the house. So they had to stand until Krishnamacharya called them inside. He was very principled man, very disciplined man. I know many of you are disciplined, many people don’t like you. But what to do? YOGA NEEDS DISCIPLINE. YOU SHOULD FOLLOW PRINCIPLES OF YOGA IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS. I told you, a real Guru is not one who makes you go to sleep. A GURU WAKES YOU UP. He says ‘Get up, it is time to practice, it is time to be attentive to your Practice.’ Otherwise you do Surya Namaskara and you look at your cellphone. Cellphone is good but sometimes it can be annoying. It’s like the diamond giving to the monkey. You don’t know when to use, how to use…when you have to use it, when you shouldn’t use it. My friends they call me, after 8 o’clock my phone is switched off, afternoon it’s switched off, 12n-3pm. ‘Tried to call you, you’re phone is switched off!’ But what to do?

NO FEAR, NO FUN…with Coffee!

Fear in Asana? Fear is good. NO FEAR, NO FUN! Sometimes when you have fear, you concentrate more on your practice. If you don’t have fear, everything comes so easy, then your mind also starts wandering here and there. Fear is good. By practicing more and more, Fear also will go in the Asana. You become more focused in your practice, the Fear will also go, the distractions also will go, everything will go. So always there is Fear. Whenever you get new Asana, the Fear starts. Especially in back bending, dropping back, coming up. So all this Fear, your Tecaher will you ‘Relax more.’ The more you relax in the posture, the Fear will also go. WHAT YOGA DOES IS IT STRENGTHENS YOUR BODY AND IT STRENGTHENS YOUR MIND. When we do lots of Breathing Techniques, when we do Asanas, this whole process will strengthen your body and strengthen your mind. And this is what we want. Some people they do body building, they look so tough, but they are very emotional. I’ve seen some people. They look very tough but they have so much emotion inside. That is why Sthira means stable, strengthening the body and mind. To make your mind stable, so that it doesn’t distract here or there. These two things are very important. That’s why in the Yoga Sutra also it says…

Sthira sukham āsanam YS 2.46

Prayatna śaithilyānanta samāpattibhyām YS 2.47

Tato dvandvānabhighātah YS 2.48

Dvandvā, all these dualities are happening. Sometimes you’re so happy, sometimes you’re depressed. That depressed-ness becomes Fear. It brings so many things. Happiness never brings Fear. Does it bring Fear? But Depression, when you get depressed, when your mind is not stable, it brings more, all these things. So to get rid of this, the Asana is very important. YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH MANY THINGS.

Vyādhi styāna samśaya pramāda ālasya āvirati bhrānti-darśana alabdha-bhūmikatva anavasthitatva citta vikśepa te antarāyāh. YS 1.30

Mind keeps on…there is sickness in the body, sometimes you can’t even move. That is why we do practice, why? To make the body stable, to bring good health to your body. Health is also an obstacle that won’t let you go further in your practice. If you have some other problem, coughing, breathing problem, then how can you concentrate about Yoga? How can you concentrate about Dharana, Dhyana, all these things? It’s impossible. You want to sit quietly, but you have to cough. This is also an obstacle. Laziness…sometimes ‘oh I don’t want to practice, early morning, today I don’t want to practice.’ Then you have to boost yourself. Take half cup of coffee (), that day will be your best practice! (😛) You doubt your practice, what you’re doing is correct or not. Sometimes we have carelessness, we don’t have too much attention to practice. So all these pramāda, all these things…sometimes we get false attraction, false knowledge. When you don’t have strong foundation, even if you practice five years, you can have all these things, lack of concentration, because you’re disturbed with so many other things, then it is difficult to put more, you can’t focus in your practice. When you can’t focus in your practice then that can also give you fear, depression, all these things.



Practice whatever you have learned here. Not getting too many Asanas….WHATEVER YOU HAVE LEARNED, MASTER THAT, BRING PERFECTION IN THAT. what’s the use of doing 200 Asanas? There’s no Perfection on that. Learn 30 Asanas first, perfect those asanas. Then go to next Asana. How many living beings are there? That many Asanas are there. When you can learn all those Asanas? I have learned 650 Asanas, but if I say I want to learn 5,000 Asanas, it’s not possible. I have to work on this 650 Asanas for this life, this is enough! So whatever you do, DON’T RUN BEHIND ASANAS. ‘Oh I’m ready, I want to do More, More!’ Perfect on your Asanas. IT’S THE PRACTICE. THE BODY WILL CHANGE. When you are dedicated, but limit your practice also. You can’t do the whole day. You do this Asana here, going home doing again, this will hurt your body. So in this practice, bring perfection in the Asanas, what you have learned here. Then next time, you can progress many more. That is how I have learned. It took me 16years to learn. My Grandfather, he didn’t teach me ‘oh, you’re my grandson, I’ll teach you 30 Asanas today!’ He never taught like that. I have to show him Perfection. He was watching everyday ‘oh ok, today you’re ready to learn this Asana.’ And I had to work on that. It build up slowly, slowly. How much pain I have gone through, you can’t even imagine! It’s physical pain but it’s all SWEET PAIN. Once you get sweet pain, no pain no gain eh? (laughter) This one practice in the morning is enough. You’ll need the whole day to relax and to do all this practice.


Teacher always tells you when you’re ready but it’s your thing to understand what he is saying. Teacher can’t go and monitor you like the Police, go behind y, see what you’re doing, how many times you’re practicing. If you are not ready for an Asana then you have to stop. Teacher will tell you. If you go to a Teacher that teaches 10 Asanas in one day, then your body is not ready, you can’t handle this. Then you’ll quit, tomorrow you’ll get body pain, then you cannot move. That is why when someone comes to us who has never done Yoga we teach them ONLY Surya Namaskara. He has to perfect in Surya Namaskara before he goes to next posture. So for first week only Surya Namaskara A. After that Surya Namaskara B. How has he understood the Vinyasa? It’s not only body changes, you have to develop stamina, strength, all these things are very important. That only comes when you have understood the Vinyasa, where you have to inhale, where you have to exhale. These are very important tool in the practice. There has to be coordination in the posture and the breathing. You can feel the Energy flowing inside. To perfect in Surya Namaskara also, it takes time. And one thing you have to remember is, OUR WHOLE PRACTICE IS BASED ON THE SURYA NAMASKARA! Chaturanga Dandasana, Urdhvamukha Śvanasana, Adhomukha Śvanasana, everytime we have to do that. So perfection in Surya Namaskara is very important. That doesn’t mean you have to do Surya Namaskara 108 times! You do 8times and 5times when you’re a Beginner, understand the Breathing Technique, where you have to inhale, where you have to exhale. Just perfecting that, then all the standing postures will come one by one. Like that you should keep on building slowly, slowly, slowly. If you go too fast, too many Asanas, you’ll hurt your body. Then you can’t move your body. Everything is not correct. Relaxation is not there. 23years back, my Grandfather taught me a deep back bending Asana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. I went deep ‘oh it feels very good! I can go deeper, deeper!’ Then suddenly there was a big tear here in my shoulder. Then 15days I couldn’t lift my hand. The funny story is, I came the next morning, I don’t cry. I’ve cried only 4 or 5 times in my whole Life. Again in the evening I came to help him in the evening class. I was taking to my Grandmother, she was very close to me. Guruji came. He said ‘Sharath tomorrow I have a demonstration in a College.’ I asked ‘oh, who’s dang the Demo?’. He said ‘You!’ This was next day after my injury! I only looked at my Grandmother’s face because I couldn’t tell Guruji. I said, ‘what do I do I can’t even lift my hand.’ He said ‘no no, I’ve already agreed. You have to do it.’ The whole day, whole night I didn’t sleep. The next day we went to College and I just said ‘ok, Gurubhyo Namaha.’ I just surrendered to Guru. And he just started counting, and he counts very fast! You have to keep up! Especially when you’re dong Demo, you never know which Asana is coming next! The only thing I thought is Surrendering. There was no other option at all! So just surrender to your Guru and do it. The Demo came really nice…but…after the Demo…two months even Surya Namsakra was difficult (endearing laughter). I couldn’t even take deep inhalation, it was so painful. It was there for long time. It was here in my shoulder and these two fingers were numb. Two months these were numb. Two months it took long time to heal. But the only thing that helped me was the Practice. Everyday doing Asana, whatever I could. Just ding Primary Series, it allowed the blood to circulate. When we’re not focused in our practice…when we’re young we want more, more, it’s easy to injure ourself. But there is no Tea her like Pattabhi Jois. He’s the Greatest Master. Many Masters are there but he is totally different because he doesn’t have any Ego. And all the students are equal for him. If it is grandson or some other student who came, even a child he used to teach. What he teach to his grandson, same thing he also taught to others also. There was no Ego at all in him. That makes him a very very Great Yoga Master.


THE GREAT YOGA KNOWLEDGE IS INSIDE, WITHIN YOU. Don’t search Knowledge, here, there, don’t run around outside. It’s inside you, here (hand on his Heart). As I told you, all the Arishadvargas…Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha, Mada, Matsarya. Once we get rid of these things, we will understand the Pure Yoga which is Within You. So Yoga is Within You. You are running behind so many things; workshops, Teacher Trainings, searching for Yoga…externally. But it’s Inside You. First we have to change here (mind), then the Yoga will happen. Then whatever practice we are doing gets a Meaning.


Breathing, was we do, is also Pranayama. Pranayama means dragging the Prana. It strengthens your mind and it calms your mind also. What is Meditation? Calming the mind is Meditation. Dhyana is totally different, withdrawal of all the senses. There is no external activity. Just camping the mind can Meditation. Withdrawal of the senses is called as Dhyana.making it stronger, to grow it stronger within you becomes Dharana. When that happens, external activity will stop, you won’t be affected by any external activity. Everything becomes internal, you become so focused within you, that whatever nonsense is happening around outside won’t disturb you. That is Dhyana. When you go to Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, nothing will affect you. No disturbances will happen, because you have withdrawn everything. Why you are so affected? Because all your senses are working outside now. Inwardly when we withdraw our senses and try to focus within us, then this external activity will stop. Everything will happen inside. You are already doing Meditation in the Practice…you’re focusing, you’re calming the mind. So this is a great practice, what we are doing. There is Pranayama, there is Meditation, and there is Asanas. So you are getting all the benefits. You bring good health to your body, you’re getting a healthy mind, and you’re getting Pranayama, Breathing, purifying the nervous system. So many things are happening in your practice and you say ‘oh, I only did Primary Series’ but I that Primary Series, for one and a half hours, you don’t know so many things are happening. You just think one day, sit and see. ‘Oh, I did Breathing, I did Posture, I was so focused in the Practice, that one and a half hour I don’t know what happened around me, I didn’t check e-mail, I didn’t see anything, I didn’t talk to anyone.’ So many things have happened, you didn’t recognize these things. With that same one and a half hours you spend outside in the coconut stand, how much gossip have you done, talking to so many people? So many distractions, so many people move around you, how many vehicles you have seen, how many people you have seen, so much disturbances happening, non-yogic. But here, so much Yoga Practice has happened. So much calmness, breathing exercises, how focused you became in one and a half hours.



January 17th, 2015
*with the Highest Respect for Sharathji

Caksur Unmīlitam Yena
Tasmai Śri-Gurave Namah


When you practice Yoga, what happens? You become lean, thin, you lose weight, your waist will become smaller. You keep practicing for many years, suddenly, there will be a glow within you. You start looking brighter, if you do it properly, means if you take it as a Sadhana. There’ll be clarity in your speech. Even your speech will be the speech of the Divine. It will be Spiritual talk. When your mind starts thinking, it goes towards the Spiritual. When your mind goes towards there, everything changes within you. There will be clarity in your speech. You become very pure, clean, stronger, healthier. Amrita Bindu. We all have Amritu Bindu, that is the Vitality. It can be called a cell which we are all made of. Everyday Amrita Bindu drops one by one and once it falls down, we become older. So if you store it, you’ll be younger. With Yoga practice, Asana practice, it comes. That is Shirshasana, Sarvangasana…why you have to do it longer than the regular Asanas? Because it stores Amrita Bindu in your head. When you’re upside down, it won’t fall, it will be stored. That is why you have to do Shirshasana, Sarvangasana more. Some Sadhus or Sannyasi who doesn’t have family, who doesn’t have any kind of attachment, they do Kechari Mudra. They take their tongue and cut this (points to the lingual frenulum) which supports your tongue. They cut that and they make it longer. Don’t try at home (laughter in the hall). They’re not for you. Your tongue will be hanging out all the time. So the Sannyasi make the tongue longer and they take inside and try to stop the Amrita Bindu to fall. Once we age, The Amritu becomes less and less in our body. Once we store that, then we live longer, our Life will extend. That’s why storing this is very important. The digestive fire gets activated properly. Many of you do Asanas everyday, why? In Primary Series there are so many good Asanas which is good to purify your nervous system, to activate the Jatharagni so that it removes all the toxins through sweat, through exhalation. When you sweat, when you Surya Namaskara, you bring all the poison out. So the Primary Series has so many good things like Baddha Konasana, Upavishta Konasana, Supta Konasana, Janu Shirshasana A-B-C…all these Asanas are very important Asanas. When the air travels inside, when you’re doing Paschimattanasana, what happens when you’re inhaling? That inhalation will go inside and activate the digestive organs, the digestive fire will become more active and burn all the toxins which makes you healthier. How many of you struggle in Asana? Everyone shallow breath, you want to finish Asana as soon as possible, especially difficult Asanas. There is no relaxation. When the breath is very shallow, it comes in, it comes out, it’s no use. The inhalation should go deeper and come out. That’s why free breathing. Free breathing means, free flow of breath should be breath. Ujjayi is a Pranayama. It’s totally different. When you take a straw and blow in the straw, the air easily flows and comes out, makes some sound. So when you press the straw and blow, up to where you are pressing it will go smoothly, here it goes like a jet, like a vacuum cleaner, it goes zoom. That is Ujjayi Pranayama. It’s a technique when you’re doing Pranayama. There is a Khumbaka when you’re doing the Pranayama technique. So here in your regular practice, you have to relax. Inhalation, exhalation should be done properly. Easily it’s going, it’s not stopping anywhere. Nothing is holding here. Many times when we don’t do proper breathing, when we do shallow breathing, when you’re not relaxed, then also you get some muscle pain. You’re not breathing because you’re mind is somewhere else. You’re not concentrating on the practice. The more you relax, the more it is easier. The flow of breath will be easy. My Grandfather used to say…I asked how many times you have to do an Asana…he said ‘1,000 times you have to do to bring perfection in one Asana.’ Not one times, not two times, not one hundred times. One thousand times to bring perfection to that Asana. There are so many Asanas, say 650 Asanas. To bring perfection in 650 Asanas, how long it will take? It is said you have to hold one Asana for three hours, but it’s not possible because we are all doing so many Asanas. So if we have thirty Asanas, you cannot do ninety hours. You will die! (laughter). So once we do these Asanas, that free flow should be there. Once you go higher stages in practice, then you should apply this one. When you go to Dhyana, Dharana, Samadhi, these stages, then you can sit in Asana for many many hours. So once you reach those stages then you can sit in Padmasana for thirty hours, fifty hours. Now what we have to do, by doing Asana practice, we should do one hour twenty minutes for these thirty Asanas. One hour ten minutes all Primary Series then ten fifteen minutes for all finishing. One hour twenty minutes, twenty five minutes, you have to finish your practice. This allows the blood to circulate properly. Sometimes Surya Namaskara, lazy practice. You can’t even lift your hands. They fight with someone before coming, they have some problems, they come they cannot do Asana, they do it very slowly. Where you will generate Internal Energy, Internal Heat? To generate Internal Heat, you should practice, keep one rhythm. Once you keep that rhythm, your body also will become flexible. When we do this Vinyasa everyday, jumping back, inhalation, exhalation, synchronizing that with the postures, we generate Internal Heat. It makes the blood warm, it circulates and removes the toxins outside. If you do it slowly that is also bad, if you do it too fast that is also bad. You have to keep it one pace in the middle, not too fast, not too slow. If you do it too fast also, do Surya Namaskara A and B for two minutes, that is not good for your heart. You’re not relaxing in the posture, in each posture. So you have to keep one rhythm. If you understand also the Vinyasa, where to inhale, where to exhale, you will become more flexible. Led class is very important, so that you know where to inhale, where to exhale. That you put in your Mysore class. When you do your own practice, then you apply that, keep one rhythm. It will improve a lot, your practice will change. In the cold season especially, if you do little bit faster practice, then your body also will get more warmer, you’ll get more flexible. Then comes in the last, Nadi Shuddhi. Nadi Shuddhi means to purify the nervous system. This is the main tool to purify your nervous system, is your Breath. Breath, if you take inhalation, exhalation properly, then the Nadi Shuddhi will happen. The blood will circulate properly. For example, here in Mysore, I don’t want you to fall. I tell you not to ride your scooter but still you won’t listen to me, you don’t follow. You get scratch here then you put something. You put something but don’t stop practice at least when you cannot do everything do Surya Namaskara A, Surya Namaskara B whatever you can, it will heal very quickly. Normally it takes one month for this to heal but if you practice it takes twenty days to heal. Because once I had a scooter, same, but I was on the right side…(laughter after having been reminded about scooters and realizing Sharthji rode one for his own 😛), I was on the left side. This one guy took a bus and hit me, I fell, I had lots of scratches everywhere. I was crazy about my practice. I used to ride from Gokulam to Lakshmipuram everyday. Never I used to stop. Maybe I stop only two days in my whole nine years of practice. One day I had a very severe fever and cold, that is why I stopped. But everyday I used to drive from here to there, Gokulam to Lakshmipuram, nine years, everyday traveling. Whatever if it’s raining. In the monsoon there’s lots of rain, the trees used to fall on the road but still I used to manage and go. So everyday I was practice and then all this wound would heal. I didn’t put any medicine. It healed very quickly. Because the blood circulation will happen inside. Sometimes we have bruises, once the blood circulates, it will heal. Internal injuries also. If there is any problem inside you, not because of accident, but internal injury, it will heal because I myself I did this experiment with one student. We all have one tube to inhale for us, he had two. So the body didn’t know where to inhale. So the doctor said you have to teach him, breathing technique, so this nerve will die. There was two, one small, one big. I taught him many, Surya Namskara, breathing technique, all this what we do in the morning, same things! Then the other nerve died, only one was there, he became more healthier, doctor said he improved a lot. So there are many good things about Primary Series, lots of health benefits, for Asthma, for Bronchitis, Blood Pressure, so many problems. One solution, use Primary Series. Amrita Bindu doesn’t go away, it will generate again. What you eat, become blood, blood becomes vitality, vitality becomes Amrita Bindu. Everyday it’s producing, it’s not only losing. The production will be limited when you’re not doing exercise, when you’re not doing this kind of techniques. So reproducing also will be more. So whatever is stored, then we don’t have to lose it. That’s why if you see Yogis, they always look young. Why is that? Because they have stored their Amrita Bindu. That’s why for Shirshasana you can do one yama. One yama is you can do two hours, three hours if you have time. But the technique you should know how to do it. Some people they do Shirshasana, they put their weight on their head, then the blood clot, they go crazy, doctor says no don’t do this. Many people say if you have blood pressure don’t do Shirshasana, they’ll scare you. There is a technique to do Shirshasana. If you follow those techniques, then you can hold it for long time. When we age, everything becomes slower. When you’re young, twenty years, you think you can lift Chamundi Hill! But when you get older, you can’t lift Chamundi Hill. Can’t even lift one chair. But see Yogis…I’m 43, how many students we are lifting everyday? 150 students in back bending everyday. But if you see, you do your practice early in the morning, see the whole day you’ll be so energized, you have so much energy. If you don’t do, you become so dull, no energy. One week you stop, don’t do anything, see how you’ll be. Your face will become so dull.


Focus means don’t get yourself distracted with many things. Outside world is very distracted. When you get wiser in your Yoga Practice, your mind also will get the capability of judging, which is wrong, which is bad, which is not good for me, which will be good for me. Like suddenly if someone asked me to come at ten o’clock at night, I won’t go because I know next time I practice I will suffer. Whoever it is, if it is Prime Minister also I won’t go, because I know I have to get up in the morning, I have to do my practice. That is very important for me. This has been there for twenty five years. So once you say ‘oh I’ve been practicing everyday, I’ve been lifting everyday’ and enjoy night life, it’s not possible. Then I have to suffer for the whole month. It’s not like that. My mind is already focused. Everything will change. Suddenly you see people who start practicing Yoga, they will say they used to hang around with their friends, they used to spend so much time. As soon as they started Yoga, something changed. Now they don’t feel like going. So this kind of judging will happen within you. That is the Personal Sadhana which happens within you. Many say you just want to practice Yoga like you to go to the gym and lifting weights. But when you go the gym, it’s just physical. There is no Spirituality in lifting weights. It’s just to build your muscle. But when you do Asana Practice it is totally different. You do Asana Practice for one month, two month, your mind totally changes. That is called the Spirituality. Your way of thinking will change. Your Perception towards this Life will change. You’ll get a better meaning for this Life. Everything changes, the your mind will also change. Mind will say ‘don’t go out’, ‘don’t have that friends’, ‘don’t have bad influence’. You have to get up early morning, you have to practice Yoga, otherwise you’ll get scolded by Teacher (chuckles). That is why Teacher is very important, a Guru is very important. Why? He will wake you up and say ‘come here and do your practice’, he will wake you up when you are sleeping. Never trust a Guru who says ‘oh it’s ok’, he will make you sleep. The more you sleep, the more he will get profitable. But real Guru will wake you up, he says ‘no don’t do this, wake up now, put your mind towards that, towards Spirituality, go towards Divine, think about it!’. When we bless someone we bless them for hundred years. Why you need hundred years? At least in that hundred years, once you put your mind towards that Divine.


If you have injuries and pain, you take extra breaths, it’s no problem. It’s actually good when you have some health problems, it’s good to take extra breaths. You can’t follow exactly Vinyasa. But it’s healing also. Vinyasa not only means jumping back, jumping through. You’re relaxing in the posture, the flow of the inhalation, exhalation is also Vinyasa. In between Asana, inhalation, exhalation, you’re sitting in the Asana, inhalation, exhalation, everything is like a chain. You call it chain because it’s liked to one toward another to another to another. If you break it you don’t call it chain.


First you stop in saying ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’. Western mind always, you try to say something ‘I know’. Say ‘I don’t know’. ‘I don’t know anything’. ‘You know better than me’. It is like marketing yourself, it’s like telling people ‘I’m better than you’, ‘I know’. I can’t say I know everything. Yoga is Bigger. Many things I don’t know. In the ocean if you take couple of buckets of water, and say you’ve taken the water of the ocean. It’s not possible. Ocean is very big. You’ve taken only a few buckets from the ocean. You can’t take the whole. Yoga is also like that. Our action should always be Humble Action. Inside you should be very humble. Karuna, Compassion, everything, this is what our Life is. Otherwise, we become like animals. Animals are also very good actually, they don’t have greed. Like tigers, they have to kill animals because otherwise there will be seers everywhere. They need to keep the Ecosystem. That is why God has created this one and that one, why? Because everything needs to be intact. Everything should be balanced. After ten days it won’t eat again anymore. But humans see, they want more and more. They will do all of these bad things to gain more money. Politicians see? They have so much money. Half of it if they gave to the poor, there will be no poor people in this country or anywhere. Greed. I want this, I want that. Who is better now? Tell me. Who is Wise? Who is Spiritual? Who is following? The way of thinking of humans. Don’t try to change. Nobody can change the world. But you can change yourself. The change happens within you. Then once you change yourself, then the whole world will change. If you care for people, if you care for trees, if you care for animals, if you care for everything. Even children. Two is enough so we can give them good air, good food. I’m planting four trees now so I have six children. Those are my children. I’m planting more trees so people who walk here will have good air. So once you care for other people, that is the meaning of Life. Not caring for yourself. Yes you need money, you need everything, but there is a limit. Just to earn money you can’t kill someone, you can’t cheat someone, you can’t do bad things to others. You have to care for them. That is the meaning of Life. That should be your action. You have to care for everyone. Then your Practice will change. Not only getting Eka Pada, Kapotasana, you’re so excited everyday, you practice four times. Your purpose, your Spiritual, your Practice is for Kapotasana? Or gain good knowledge, gain clarity within you? Kapotasana should help to gain that, not to grow your Ego. ‘Oh I can do Kapotasana…Photo! Photo!’ The Whole Practice is to change yourself.


Perfection is when you are comfortable in the Asana. Sthira Sukham Asanam. Sthira means you’re stable in your posture. Sukham means you’re comfortable in your posture. That is Asana. That is Perfection. And the way how you do the posture. That also should be correct.


It’s not PaschimOttanasana, it’s PaschimAttanasana. For constipation, stay longer in Baddha Konasana, stay for 8 breaths, even Marichyasana B when the heel will press in. Baddha Padmasana, Yoga Mudra, when you do perfectly, your liver and spleen it will press in, which is good for digestion, for constipation.


In the opening Mantra when the students say OM in the end, I say my personal Mantra. That is thanking all of the Lineage which brought this Yoga Practice to us, this breathing technique. It’s actually Shankaracharya’s Mantra.
Like that, there are many Mantras which are personal Mantra.
This knowledge is not ordinary knowledge, it is the Knowledge of the Divine. So we thank. The Divine for bringing this Knowledge to us. You can’t go to market and buy Spirituality. It’s not like buying iPhone 6. How Spirituality comes? Through Paramparā, through a Lineage, through the Divine. So it’s always good to thank that. Without that the Knowledge doesn’t come to us. In Bahagavad-Gita Krishna says that Yoga didn’t come, it is there for millions and millions of years. When Krishna was there we had Four Yugas, four different times. Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Kali Yuga now. This cycle goes again. After Kali Yuga again many many bad things will happen. When this bad things ends, Satya Yuga comes, the True Yuga. Everyone’s actions will be pure, everyone will be Yogis. So this four stages is one cycle. This Yoga is not new, it is very old. That means there is not date for Yoga when it started. It has come from generation to generation, Paramparā. Now there is no Paramparā in many teachings. Paramparā means the True Knowledge which has to flow to you through a Guru. It took twenty five years for me, now I’m understanding Yoga. It has to flow from the Lineage, automatically, the Knowledge will grow within you. That is nourishment, what you get for your Guru. Many times you get lost in your life. Mind is like monkey. It’s jumping here and there. That is why Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodhāh. Chitta means mind, Vritti means it doesn’t stay in one place. It keeps on going here and there. So make your mind sit in one place. Many people get confused, ‘control your mind’. To calm your mind is Chitta Vritti Nirodhāh, not completely stop it. Nirodhāh means stop the unnecessary things. Many people think ‘I won’t think’, then you can’t even walk, you can’t even sit, you can’t even eat. It is cutting off unnecessary distractions, to bring more focus within you, bring more focus within your practice. That is called Yoga. You need to think to do Asanas also. You cut off thinking, then you can’t even do Asanas. In Patanjali’s Sutras, is one verse, has big meaning. Only Sadhana can give the answer to that. Only Asana can give you clarity what it means. Without your Sadhana it’s not possible to understand what it is.


If you want to maintain discipline, come and stay with me, I’ll show you (smiles, laughter in the hall). I’ll give you Prakash’s job. You do what I do. Will you follow? You have to get up 12:45 in the morning, go to bed at 8 o’clock, you have to handle two children and one wife, five hundred students. First you get married, then your wife will whip you. She’ll put you on track. (Laughter). No, my wife is not like that. In your Sadhana, if you see an artist who does all the sculptures…once he sees a big rock, he wants to do a sculpture out of it. He is so focused because of his own experience. That is also a Sadhana. He sees what we don’t see. Everyday we pass by a big stone but this artist when he sees this big stone, suddenly he gets this big idea in his mind. This is not ordinary and he can do something out of it. And then he carves a beautiful sculpture out of it. But creative that, what he does? He puts everything! He puts a Sadhana. Each and every minute is very important for him. Each and every action is very important for him. Each and every thought, what he thinks, what he can do. Even just one small finger in the sculpture he has to think. If you go and talk to him for many hours he will get angry, he will say ‘go I have to do my one Sadhana!’ Then he carves this beautiful sculpture which is priceless. Yoga Practice is like that. There is no physical thing, everything is happening within you. Everything is happening within You. The sculpture is within You. The sculpture is Yoga, the Experience, the Understanding. To carve that Sculpture within you, you have to do lots of sacrifice, you have to do lots of Sadhana, you have to let go of many things. If you just want to do Asana, you want to be fit and come to Mysore that is also ok, but that doesn’t count as Sadhana. You won’t understand what Yoga is. How you carve your Self in the Spiritual Practice, that is very important. Sadhana is very easy to say, but behind that, there is so many Sacrifice. Many people, they get bored, they say ‘oh many years I do Primary Series, everyday Surya Namaskara, Same Asana…’ For me it’s different, if I don’t do…even Primary Series will make me happy. Just doing Primary Series, you’re mind gets so calm, get more focused. How it is possible to teach fromfour o’clock to 11:45am? I sit here everyday I open my eyes. It’s because of this Practice. My Grabdfather used to sit here like this (Padmasana on chair), watch me practice; never used to blink, he used to chant Mantras, everyday three o’clock. He could’ve chanted inside but he was always watching…


Why Ashtanga is not Calisthenics

With snowflakes falling endlessly from the white sky, thinking of the blue sky and the warm sun of Mysore of a week ago make me wonder I was in a dream.

I was thinking, why is it snow so wonderful and gracious when rain is not? I can see an interesting analogy between Ashtanga and Calisthenics, some of the exercises may look similar if not the same, but what makes Yoga so special as compared to Calisthenics or to common gymnastic?
Calisthenics has the great advantage that can be performed anywhere at anytime, what is needed is the knowledge of how to use the environment to exercise our body. Similarly even rain can happen anywhere at anytime, just needs the right pressure to exercise its potential into actuality. Please I am not saying that calisthenics has no values or no fun in it, but something more essential is missing, something more fundamental for our inner self.

Ashtanga is like snow, as the flakes falls delicately the practice flows with grace and bliss from the first Suria Namaskara to Shavasana. As for snow to be a correct balance in between temperature, pressure and humidity is required, even in Ashtanga we need to connect the three elements of Ujjayi breath, Drishti and Bandhas. Only while doing it the mind will be one pointed and cleared by all mental manipulations. As the second Yoga Sutra states “Yogas chitta vritti Nirodhah.”

Before going to explain what Ujjay, Bandhas and Drishti are it is required to lay the foundation and explain what are the eight limbs of Ashtanga. Because it is from the understanding of these that we will became aware that Vinyasa goes beyond the mere physical practice but includes in itself an ethical, social and meditative side. As the world Ashta in Sanskrit means eight, this discipline can be considered the eightfold path of Yoga or liberation.

In order to attain the real state of Yoga the all eight limbs need to be activated and they all have to work in synchrony in the mat during practice but also during our daily life. As Yoga is not a mere physical practice and neither a religion but it has to become or better we need to grow out of our daily routine and realize to be living in Yoga. I am personally against pushing things to happen, so if you take the eight limbs and force your lifestyle to be in accordance with them even if your mind is unhappy this will still be a vritti or wave of the mind, therefore lead to inner conflict and you will fail to realize the supreme truth. We need to use the text as directions and suggestions but the change has to grow from our inner rather than being imposed upon.

The first limb is called Yama. It is a set of ethical notions to direct the practitioner into a harmonious lifestyle with the society s/he lives in. The second is known as Nyama that comprehend a set of things to perform to ensure the inner and outer clearness of the body and to train the mind to be clear and focused. The third is the limb of the postures, or Asana. Interestingly in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali there is no reference to any Asana, as we now know them. Even in the Bhagavad Gita none of the complicate posture is suggested. All we can find is when Lord Krishna is teaching Arjuna on the art of meditating saying that “sitting and making the mind one pointed is meditation.” (BG 6-11/12)

The all series of Asana practiced in the Vinyasa method is a mere sequence of posture connecting breath and focus to open the energy channel of the body, to keep it healthy and capable of staying sitting in Padmasana and meditate for a long time without having physical distractions.

The fourth limb is Pranayama and it is normally translated as the control of the breath. It is necessary to say that Prana can be see as the breath that bring oxygen to the physical body but it also mean the life force. With the right control on the way we breath we can learn to direct the life force to specific areas of our body that needs it more. This require a stable breath, therefore the Ujjayi breath practiced during the Vinyasa sequence is a method through which the mind will be fully absorbed in listening to the sound of the breath, and ultimately find its peace. Even this is contained in the second line of the Yoga Sutras, the vrittis are the oscillation of the mind and as yoga has to control these through the breath.

Here we are, at the fifth and last limb connected to the physical body. Pratyahara is normally translated as sense withdrawal. I would say that it is the focus on the inner rather than on the outer side of us. The other three limbs are Dharana (concentration), Dyana (meditation) and Samadi. These will need a deep explanation so to avoid misunderstanding I rather stop with their introduction for coming back at due time.

"May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all." Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu
“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” Loka Samasta Sukino Bhavantu

Vinyasa and Yoga Sutras are two side of the same coin, not separate substances

It has been almost two years since I started assisting students into the discovery of Yoga. I say discovery because through the practice of Vinyasa (Asana combined with Pranayama) you do not learn or start Yoga, you discover you are already in Yoga. From the moment you came closer to this discipline you manifested an inner quest for something that goes beyond this material plane. You might not be aware of it but if the river of life brought you here is to give you some knowledge on how to use the tools we are given by birth to question and understand the reality of this universe.

Just look around you and notice how this world is spinning frenetically, we are all running from morning to night, even though we do not know why and recognizing that most of us are not content in doing this. This is the reality we live in so we have no other choice to follow. My initial intention was to teach the art of meditation, so to give a moment of rest for the mind and to allow people with different needs to have an easy way out from this madness. What I learned from my students is that it is not easy to bring peace to a mind that overwhelmed by thoughts. I had to ponder about the to do when the sentence of Sri Pattabhi Jois “Ashtanga is 99% practice and 1% theory” came to help me. With pure meditation I was opposing this vertigo of energy that encompasses today’s world, an energy that is well established and as strong as the wave of an ocean. Instead I needed to change my approach and as a good sailor to use the waves and the wind to reach my goal rather than fighting.

I then started teaching Asana and Pranayama and after almost two years with great pleasure I saw the change on the most dedicated students. I learned from them the pleasure of passing an art as old as mankind; every improvement by them is like honey to my humming soul. I learned that the meditation I wanted to pass was not the only way of contemplating the universe, we can adopt and learn to meditate actively and this has better chances to work in a society that does not allow us to sit. Sri Ramana Maharshi considered useless to all go and retire in caves in some god-forsaken mountain to reach enlightenment, we do not need to take a path but to realize that we are the path. Karma Yoga or the Yoga of action is what we need to undertake. As the Bhagavad Gita states “the one who, controlling the sense organs with the mind, remaining unattached, takes the yoga of action is a man of knowledge.” (BG-3.7) Knowledge here is not to be intended as scholastic knowledge but rather is the understanding of the functioning of the universe.

This is why the practice of Vinyasa is so efficient in today’s society.

The great advantage of the Vinyasa system is that it requires only a few hours of daily practice, leaving time for people to perform their daily routine. Exactly as I experienced personally, people do not need to become Sanyasis or Ashetic and to have a monastic life in order to attain knowledge of the absolute.

Its lineage, or Parampara, was passed from Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya to Sri Pattabhi Jois. Krishnamacharya was also the guru of BKS Iyengar, the father Hata Yoga that recently reached his Mahasamadhi. The legend wants that Krishnamacharia was a devote students of Ramamohan Brahmachary from whom he studies from the least remaining copy of the Yoga Kurunta, a text in which the sage Vamana had noted a series of asana and a commentary of the yoga sutras he received in a vision while meditating.

As many people approach yoga for physical needs, a feeling of lacking can be suddenly perceived. Other people decide to intensify the transcendental side of them, practicing meditation and studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjani but yet they have a feeling that something is missing. This because the Vinyasa system and the Yoga Sutras do not have to be considered as two separate entities but rather as the two faces of the same coin.

In the coming posts we are going to have an overview on the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga and gradually study them in more depth and detail including also the philosophical notions of the Yoga Sutras.

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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti